That which ripens in gaelic Aipgiges its a word cypher to use it you just pretend it was a sigil and remove all the secondary repeating letters.Like so Aipges and place it on your five by five square like so
That which ripens in gaelic Aipgiges its a word cypher to use it you just pretend it was a sigil and remove all the secondary repeating letters.Like so Aipges and place it on your five by five square like so
Then add the letters left over to the five by five square
The A is in place of the B and B is were F usually is so F is down by where A should usually be like this
I is in place of L
G is in place of S and S is in place of H just below so H goes in the original spot of G
E is in the place of N like this below
Then just fill in the rest of the squares in the normal alphabets order.
The are only two true orders in ogham.
Aipgiges Ogam
Ailm = 223
223 Dun (a dark brown grey colour) = Odhar = 223 (Colour ogham O)
Cold = fuar =223
Ida = 10Ido = 89
Idad = 23
Beithe = 53
Gort = 152
152 Wedge = Ngend = 152 (Agricultural ogham Ng )
Edad = 20
Sail = 209
209 beloved = Dil = 209
Gedal = 209 (a letter word for Ng in Ogham)
to go = chun dul =209
Friend = cara =209
sin = that =209
(Ushten = 209 Aipgiges order)
Dur = 157157 Dur = 157
Torc =Dur
Dead = Marbh = 157
Duir = 159159 Bear, Mark =Marc =159
Tinne = 215215 toe = ladhar = 215
Bith = 215
Mugna = 215 (church ogham M)
happened = a tharla 215
Coll = 489489 enraged = Faigheann = 489
Findias = 489
Quert = 8383 silent = Adh =83
Queirt = 85
85 Hole = Boll =85
Fand = 85
Red = Flann = 85 (Colour ogham F )
But =ach =85
Just = ach =85
Muin = 212212 Nith = Nid = 212(riverpool ogham N)
Huath = 159
159 Bear, Mark =Marc =159
Ngetal = 254
254 goodness = feabhas = 254
Esru = 254
my stream =mo sruth= 254
Straif = 123Straiph = 653
Ruis = 158
158 Halo=158
Fern = 235
235 White Thorn = Thorn ban = 235
Fearn =236236 Noble = uasal = 236
the victory = an bua =236
Onn = 280280 Magnor = 280
280 Agnoman = 280
Ur = 150150 Far , Long =fada =150
150 COLL= 150 (B=5)
150 Starn = 150
150 Shor = 150 (sphere)
Ur (letter word for U in ogham heather,heath)
Ura = 151 151 band =Banna =151
Sword,swords =Sord =151
Dana = 151
Nin = 202
202 War = coghad = 202
Drink = deoch =202
Bright =Geal = 202
Multi = il = 202
Nion = 282
282 Sight = radharc = 282
282 Cailb = 282
Lelahel = 282
Intense = dian = 282
Luis = 298298 Below = thios = 298
Succulus =298
Ebad = 16Oir = 142
Uilleann = 698
698 hue of the lifeless = Li n-aimbi = 698 (Word ogham of Morann Mac Main here that is for Sail)
698+LV glory = ghlóir = 698+LV
Ifin = 174174 Uath = 174 (a letter word for H Huath terrible in Ogham)
variegated = mbracht = 174 (Colour ogham M )
Iphin = 704Emancoll = 615
615 Éahcéa (Nion backwards BLN order )
615+LV generation = glúnta = 615+LV
The letters backwards Aipgiges order
Ailm = Áeíosr = 1366 sr counted seperate 1350 sr counted 50
1366+LV desire love = is breá mhian = 1366+LV
Ida = Íonáe = 1400
Ido = Íonc = 709
Idad = Íonáen = 1500
Beithe = Úiéaíousréa = 1840
Gort = Óicmu = 519
519 L,D,G,O,OI = 519
519+LV originally = dtús = 519+LV
519+LV reason = chúis = 519+LV
Edad = ÉanÁen = 1200Sail = Láeíos = 1706
Dur = 157 = Ntm = 128
128 Clear coloured = Necht = 128 (Colour ogham N)
128 Medb =128
128 Lugh =128
128 Etm = 128 (Dur backwards BLN order)
Duir = Ntíom = 728
728+LV Arm,Hand = Lámh=728+LV
Tinne = Uíoddéa = 1004Coll = Ocss = 101
Quert = Féamu = 480
480 Week = tseachtain = 480
Béothach = 480
Equal = comhionann = 480
Queirt = Féaíomu = 1080Muin = Rtíod = 675
Huath = 159 = Strtáeusr = 898
Ngetal = Ngéauáes = 1136
Straif = Háeíocu = 1340
Straiph = Háeíoi = 1332
Ruis = Mtíol = 828
828 offensive = ionsaitheacha = 828
Fern = Cuéamd = 337
337 Oak = dair =337
Morfesa (the sage from Falias) = 337
Fern = Cuéaáemd =1037Onn = Cdd = 23 (Nu in ordinal value ogham = 23)
Ur = Tm = 28
Ura = Tmáe = 728
728+LV Arm,Hand = Lámh=728+LV
Nin = Díod = 614
614 Dian Cécht = 614+LV
Nion = Díocd = 623
623 of this world = an tsaoil seo = 623
623 INCIPIT = 623 (that which ripens in Latin)
Luis = Stíol = 814 (850)850+LV simplicity = simplíocht = 850+LV
Ebad = Éaúiáen = 1600
Oir = Cíom = 629
629 against = igcoinne 629
childs play = linbh spraoi = 629 (if P=BH=635 )
Uilleann = Tíosséaáedd = 1634Ifin = Íocuíod = 1217
Iphin = Íoiíod = 1202
Emancoll = Éaráedocss = 1168
635 AIPGIGES = 635 (that which ripens in gaelic)
635 childs play = linbh sbhraoi = 635
635 Deichtine = 635
635 Dur ailm coll coll = 635
954+LV law of the battle of conquest = dlí an cath conas = 954+LV (DACC = 95 = NU = 95)
PS P can equal B and Bh but some say the true P is Iphin or Pin (have fun with that)
The Gael are always aspiring for ;P
For the record we have established that Grian in the beth-luis-nin order is 365 in this new order it equals 167
167 Monday =Luan =167
Danu = 167
Luna = 167
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