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Monday, 26 September 2011

Gematria Isopsephy so common as muck everybody was at it

People say that greek isopsephy is older than the hebrew gematria others say the hebrews were first to do it.But we forget one important fact that both of these people both derive there alphabet from the phoenicians.Personaly I think whatever date you try to give to the origin of what we now call gematria isopsephy its guaranteed the denary system of calculation is
A. allot more ancient than the above mentioned
B. it was used by many more races than the above mentioned
C.It is not restricted to the cursive scripts of the middle east
D. No high poetry or religious texts were ever dared to be written or recited without the use of the denary system
E. Any correspondences given to the ancient alphabets with out the use of the denary system are just here say and superstition
F. the high art and science of letters and the creation of words by the ancients is inseparable from number
G. the so called heathen man from the barbarians of Europe could count did count and used his letters as symbols for number
I. man had need to count long before he had need to read.
J. Nobody had a monopoly on this system of counting like the title of this post it was common as muck everybody was at it.
K.Hieroglyphics from egypt and characters of chinese and the japanese type were created for the complete opposite reason that the above denary form of counting we are so familiar with could not be used in there letters.(for a good reason)
L. every alphabet that is not a hieroglyphic or pictographic symbol can and has been used for denary calculations including the runes all of them
M.The most stupid statement ever made by a well known modern accultist that I have found to date is that
the latin alphabet could not be used for gematria and isopsephy because the roman numerals only had a few symbols.
To which I reply then use the whole alphabet dummy.

I could go on and on we could talk about the earliest recorded instances in the official history of wikipedia
But any fool can do that and fain intelligence.

or we could look for anomalies that cant be explained away as mere coincidence big anomalies strange ones

First we take a name a trusted name I hope an ancient name something that binds
someone that is and was known by many people under different names but recognized as such between the races by her symbols.Are lady of letters herself she is in every birch
Brigid a simple name why choose it because everybody new the birch whether she be called berkana brigid or durga its one and the same and she was recognized as such by the ancients.With many more names beside
from so many cultures.

but for this experiment we shall stick to brigid
Two spellings that are important we will use Brigid without the H and Brighid with the H

First we can get  these 3 alphabets in one out of the way
the phoenician
the arabic
and the hebrew
seeing as they both have the same order and value

We have Brigid as 229 in the above 3 alphabets note this value for later
Any number in any system will be in correspondence with others so hebrew and greek are easy enough to find online so I will just show you the gaelic ogam correspondences for 229

229 Gedul = 229 (a letter name for Ng in ogham)
       Scottish = na hAlban = 229
       Qabalah = 229
       Kabbalah = 229
       (the pyramid number of BADB = 229
                                       B = 1
                                     BA =71
                                    BAD = 78
                                   BADB = 79
                                           = 229
       (COLL in Abgies cypher = 229)
       (BRIGID in Hebrew,Arabic , and Phoenician BRYGYD = 229)
       Oturp = 229
       a poet of the second order = ansruth = 229
       of the stream = an sruth =229
       Sorcha = bright = 229

Pay attention now obviously the only reason you would read this blog is because you put some salt in this sort of thing
please note the pyramid number of Badb = 229 Her normal value Badb = 79 
If you know your mythology Badb and Brigid are one and the same see the destruction of da dergas hostel when Cailb gives 32 of her names to Conaire 
"It was not an evil omen we foreboded, O woman," saith he: "it is not thou that always augurs for us. What is thy name, O woman?"
"Cailb," she answers.
"That is not much of a name," says Conaire.
"Lo, many are my names besides."
"Which be they?" asks Conaire.
"Easy to say," quoth she. "Samon, Sinand, Seisclend, Sodb, Caill, Coll, Díchóem, Dichiúil, Díthím, Díchuimne, Dichruidne, Dairne, Dáríne, Déruaine, Egem, Agam, Ethamne, Gním, Cluiche, Cethardam, Níth, Némain, Nóennen, Badb, Blosc, B[l]oár, Huae, óe Aife la Sruth, Mache, Médé, Mod."
On one foot, and holding up one hand, and breathing one breath she sang all that to them from the door of the house.

Now some comment on the letter word spelling we find at the top of are list for ngetal
Its spelled Gedul = 229
The Hebrew word for Great is also GDVL =43
An Irish spelling for the word great Mor = 43 in ordinal value ogam

But back to brigid
First we add the H=5 to brighid using the same 3 alphabets
Phoenician , hebrew  and arabic
We get Brighid = 234

234 Cosy = cluthar =234
       Sear = 234 (70th spirit of the goetia)
       Nut-Geb = 234
       Sengenn = 234
       Back = Siar = 234
       Agares,Agreas = 234 (2nd spirit Goetia)
       ATAAT = 234
       (ANU plus +6 ordinal ogham)
       (165 = ERN which is the number of ANU and ERN = 234 in +6 ordinal ogam)
       (BRIGHID in Hebrew , BRYGHYD = 234)
       Sera = 234
       Ares = 234

If you read my earlier post I proposed a vigesimal way of counting in ogham
It gives the value of brigid as 235 take that as you wish I put salt in it seeing as dagda = 66x20
However side note Dagdae in decimal ogham = 284 same value as the greek word theos = god
And to note allah = 66

Way too side tracked lets return

235 in ogham

235 White Thorn = Thorn ban = 235 
       (LUGH in Latin = LVGH = 235) 
       (Archangel of chesed in hebrew , TzDQYAL = 235) 
       (base 20 ogam ,brigid = 235) 
235 Apollo = 235 (P=B=1) 
235 the time = an ama = 235 

To recap a bit 
Brigid in denary and ordinal value hebrew arabic and phoenician 
 den means denary or decimal
ord means ordinal 

In arabic hebrew and phoenician 

den = brigid = 229 brighid +H5=234
ord= brigid  =49    brighid +H5= 54

In ogham 
den = brigid = 498 brighid +H6=504
ord=brigid = 75 brighid + H6= 81 

Now Im going to do 2 more alphabets at the same time Greek and welsh Coelbren 
Greek first
den= Brigid = 107  Brighid +H7= 114 
ord = brigid = 44   Brighid +H7=51

Welsh coelbren next (big numbers)

den = brigid = 10050 Brighid +H30,000 = 40050 
ord = brigid = 114  Brighid +H39 = 153 

Why would coelbren and greek have similar pattern ask Brutus 

For the record lets break brigid down in ordinal coelbren seeing as the denary numbers are extremely high 
 ordinal coelbren 
Bri = 54 
Brig = 79 
Brigi= 84 
brigid = 114

remeber we said badb was 79 and note the 84 for later 
but 79 first 
79 Badb = 79
     where = Ca = 79 
     death = nas = 79 
     (SRU base 20 ogham = 79) 
     measure = dal = 79 
Is not badb related too death 

back to brigid again this time we will use elder futhark why because some modern authors are of the opinion that you cant use the denary system with these runes (nonsense).And try to Remember that Thorr exalts the birch above all other trees 

in elder futharc 

den = brigid = 642 , brighid +H9 = 651 (both numbers last 2 digits round off to 6 giving 66)

But the ordinal futark value of brigid is the real punch in the face of modern authors 
ord = brigid = 75 Brighid +H9 = 84 

Brigid in ordinal elder futhark and ordinal ogham both = 75 

Note Nuit in hebrew is 75 (take that as you will) 

But my favourite of all and its the big kick in the balls is one of the oldest recorded alphabets on the planet
and definetly the oldest runes the granddaddy of them all the Magyar hungarian scythian alphabet 

we have Brigid in the denary = Brigid = 199 plus H=30 Brighid = 229
ordinal values are brigid = 73 and brighid = 85 

But breaking down brigid we have 
Bri = 44 (bri is an old  name for word)
Brig = 54 

to recap to see them all side by side 

In arabic hebrew and phoenician 

den = brigid = 229 brighid +H5=234
ord= brigid  =49    brighid +H5= 54

In ogham 
den = brigid = 498 brighid +H6=504
ord=brigid = 75 brighid + H6= 81
(vigesimal ogham = 235 +H6= 241)

in elder futharc 

den = brigid = 642 , brighid +H9 = 651 (both numbers last 2 digits round off to 6 giving 66)
ord = brigid = 75 brighid +H6 = 84 

den= Brigid = 107  Brighid +H7= 114 
ord = brigid = 44   Brighid +H7=51

Welsh coelbren next (big numbers)

den = brigid = 10050 Brighid +H30,000 = 40050 
ord = brigid = 114  Brighid +H39 = 153 

and last but not least magyar runes 

denary = Brigid = 199 plus H=30 Brighid = 229
ordinal values are brigid = 73 and brighid = 85 

Some say when doing magic squares that Arabic is more practical to use than Hebrew or greek because the Arabic goes up to 1000 in value and that is certainly true (its also damn nice to look at and sounds allot better)
But remember that the ancient scythian Magyar runes Have 39 letters and welsh coelbren has 40 letters
they both go into the tens of thousands so why dont you use it they are astronomically more practical for high value magic squares same science applies it goes without saying 
everybody was at it . 
gematria Isopsephy numerology denary counting 
whatever you choose to call it 
So let me ask you is there anybody out there who will dare to put gematria lists of these languages that are being ignored together
Because no one else is doing it might have to be you! 

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